Digital TransformationFebruary 22, 2024

Explore the transformative power of technology beyond gadgets at #CES2023: A vision for a healthier, more sustainable future through the convergence of food, pharma, and tech.

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#CES2023 is coming to a close and, like everyone here, I am leaving the event feeling excited and energized by the world of possibilities ahead of us.

While CES is well-known for its new hashtag#gadgets hashtag#conceptcars hashtag#smartphones, hashtag#laptops, hashtag#TVs, hashtag#homeappliances, hashtag#virtualrealityheadsets, hashtag#smarthomedevices, and much more. I won't be commenting on those here. You can easily find plenty of cool stuff online, and some of it is really really cool ! 😊

Instead, I'd like to provide a perspective on the social and economic potential that technology can bring to our lives, and how we might help as innovators and designers.

Throughout my career, I have been working towards the convergence of the hashtag#food and hashtag#pharmaceutical industries for the benefit of humans and pets. I believe that technology will eventually provide us with the knowledge and tools we need to manage our own hashtag#wellbeing and the one of those we love. Isn't that what matters most?

I've seen scientific advances in the hashtag#medical and pharmaceutical industry bring data-driven approaches closer to patient care. I've seen scientific advancements in the food industry define nutrition profiles and consumer taste preferences, and the proliferation of new hashtag#ingredients bringing new functionality to foods and beverages. I've also seen studies on the impact of hashtag#foodintake on health, and this is significant. This all leads to an inevitable convergence of interests, where the integration of different hashtag#biometrics will improve the quality of our lives, whether in terms of hashtag#sleep, hashtag#nutrition, hashtag#health, overall wellbeing, and hashtag#mentalwellness, or energy and mood management. In a hashtag#postpandemic world, we have learned a lot, and we need to be prepared for whatever new challenges the hashtag#future may bring.

The potential is tremendous, and hashtag#bigtech will play a critical and enabling role in empowering individuals to live up to their ambitions and use hashtag#data and technology to support their efforts to be fitter, healthier, and stronger. Big tech companies will need to come together and enable the development of long-awaited hashtag#ecosystems, where relationships with governments will be key. The challenges are great, but the rewards are worth it. This will finally become possible using tech and all it has to offer to track, measure, record, and improve. hashtag#AI is now embedded everywhere, and this enables connected devices to give new superpowers to humans. hashtag#web3 and hashtag#blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the web and create new opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

Incentivizing individuals to change hashtag#behaviors by embedding medical and social sciences into platforms is essential. However, individual behaviors cannot be solely influenced by big tech. Life stage moments are when people are most likely to be ready to change. We need to take advantage of these moments and leverage technology to understand how our bodies, minds, and even souls are impacted.

As we work to address larger hashtag#sustainability issues for future hashtag#generations, we are seeing new technologies emerge that offer new ways to do more with less. Combining this with the social and economic impact of nutrition and health can lead to improved educational outcomes, increased productivity, and an overall improved quality of life, as well as social inclusion and better social relationships.

Welcome to my world, kicking off this year in 2023. I am so excited about the hashtag#Innovation & hashtag#Design challenges ahead of us, and how our hashtag#Brands will play into that. Happy New Year to all!

And remember: β€œthe great thing about the future is that we can design it !”.

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Β© 2024 meAsHuman